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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Research in Mechanical engineering

Thermal Science:

State-of-the-art computational and experimental facilities are used in fundamental studies and applications of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Professors BonazzaCorradiniFarrell,FosterGhandhiKleinMartinMoskwaNellisPfefferkornPfotenhauerReindlReitzRutlandSandersShedd.

Dynamics Vibrations and Acoustics:

Analytical, numerical and experimental methods applied to the characterization of mechanical components, structures, systems and materials. These activities intimately support product development, safety, weight minimization and component optimization for aerospace, automotive, electronics and general manufacturing. Current areas of emphasis include stress, strain and deformation analysis; modeling, testing and verification of kinematics and dynamic systems; applied finite elements; plate, shell, and pressure vessel characterization; composites; micromechanical design and analysis; photomechanics and optical techniques, and multi body problems. Professors Engelstad,LovellRowlandsUicker.

Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation:

Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation research is conducted in a variety of areas by Professors DuffieFerrierLorenzUicker.

Design and Manufacturing:

Design and Manufacturing activities include the design and manufacturing of machines, systems, products, mechanisms and process. Professors DeVriesFronczakLiKouMoskwaPfefferkornShapiroShkelStraubSureshUickerVeeramani.

Polymer Engineering:

The Polymer Engineering Center focuses on advancing technologies for a wide range of polymer and polymeric composite manufacturing processes. Professors FerrierGiacominLiOsswaldRowlandsShkelTurng.

Biomechanical Engineering:

Development of fundamental and applied engineering knowledge related to biomechanical systems, and the application of engineering expertise towards the design and development of leading-edge rehabilitative, assistive, and adaptive technologies that allow those with disabilities to achieve greater independence. Professors BeebeCheslerFerrierFronczakGrubenMartinPloegThelen.

Computer Aided Engineering:

The primary thrust of Computer-Aided Engineering research is to develop mathematically sound theories, computationally efficient algorithms, and next generation tools for modeling, design, and simulation of a wide range of engineering artifacts and processes. Focus areas include mechanical, micro/nano-mechanical, electro-mechanical, thermal, fluid, and other multi-disciplinary and multi-scale systems. Professors EngelstadShapiroSureshTurngUicker.

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